On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 07:57:14AM +0200, Roland Clobus wrote:

> I've tried to reproduce this, but I got different results (Gtk 2.6.8):

  Right I'm using 2.6.10-1, as packaged in Debian's unstable distribution.

> When the button under the mouse becomes enabled, it can be clicked.
> When the button was raised before is became disabled, and if the mouse 
> has not yet move away from the button, it is still raised. Otherwise, 
> the button is not shown raised, although it would normally be.
> The game is thus playable normally.

  That appears to be the behaviour I would expect, but is not what
 I see.

> * Does the shortcutkey F1 work correctly while the button is not?

  Yes it does.

> * Is the menu also showing the correct enabled items?

  Yes it does.

  The behaviour only seems to affect whether the border of the button
 is shown, and whether things can be clicked.

> AFAIK there have been no specific changes that would slow the 
> application down. The AI is better and could take some more time, but 
> I think that that effect is quite negligible given the delay of 
> 1000ms the AI makes in each step.

  This is a snippet from the chat window, playing in the "Conquest"
 map.  Four players, three AI, one human (skx).

07:01:16 Begin turn 1 for skx.
07:01:19 skx rolled 7.
07:01:20 skx moved the robber.
07:01:21 You stole a brick card from Coolio.
07:01:27 Begin turn 2 for Saddam Hussein.
07:01:28 Saddam Hussein rolled 10.
07:01:28 Saddam Hussein receives an ore card.
07:01:29 Begin turn 2 for Godzilla.
07:01:29 Godzilla rolled 7.
07:01:30 Godzilla moved the robber.
07:01:30 Godzilla stole a resource from Saddam Hussein.
07:01:31 Begin turn 2 for Coolio.
07:01:31 Coolio rolled 7.
07:01:32 Coolio moved the robber.
07:01:32 Coolio stole a resource from Saddam Hussein.
07:01:33 Begin turn 2 for skx.

  Notice the timestamps show almost a second for each step?  That 
 seems to me to be much slower than previously although I dont
 have logs to prove it.

  Thanks for your comments anyway.  If nobody else can confirm
 the toolbar issue I guess I could put it down to my system, but
 I'm not running anything sufficiently unusual for me to suspect


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