On 9/7/05, Giacomo A. Catenazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eddy Petrişor wrote:
> > Hello Giacomo,
> >
> > I have observed that you have applied a part of my patch to apt-zip
> > 0.13.3. Thanks for that.
> It seems that you have lost my previous mail ;-)

Probably... sorry

> > The problem is that the patch was applied brokenly on apt-zip's code
> > (I guess you took parts of it).
> >
> > The formatting is messed up in the wget method and the generated
> > scripts; the patch I proposed used a trick for formatting and infile
> > code: all the leading tabs are eliminated in the resulting output, but
> > no the same for the spaces. (Probably) your editor replaced the tabs
> > with spaces in some files and in some files didn't.
> yes. I applied by hand because my tree had already some previous changes.

so I guess you accept my correction, as the generated scripts are
broken in many ways

> > Also the replacement of the less portable command "which" (not present
> > on cygwin) with "type" was recorded in the changelog, but was not
> > added to the code.
> I forgot it, But I uploaded a new version of apt-zip before I received
> this mail, so now I deleted the whole check.
> I think there are enough the check in IP/TCP and in wget (or alternate)
> programs. Anyway dpkg will further check the package.

I am sorry, but I don't see the connection to the initial point. 

In the generated scripts, "which gzip" is used to test whether gzip is
present; which is less portable than type, so I changed that into
"type gzip". (which is not present in cygwin, at least in my copy,
while type is a built-in command and has a longer history, thus is
more portable)

> > I have made a new patch which fixes all the problems and adds suport
> > for relative paths (please add this as I usually invoke apt-zip with a
> > command like "apt-zip -s -m . -p codeville", and I am sure many could
> > use it in the same way on a flash stick, as there is no need to make
> > files in the root of the removable media).
> Ok. now I understand. You mean ".". Relative path support was already
> included (as "zip", "../dir"). "." is a special case, because it
> mount the filesystem, but I remain in the old ".".
> I propose an alternate (simple?) way: cd .

I really would prefer my approach as is more flexible:

apt-zip-list -s -m relative_path_should/be/allowed

Another important point is that if one uses relative paths, the
apt-zip-* scripts would fail (in their curent form) as they expect to
find the tar archive in a directory specified as an absolute path.

I also fail to see the benefit of doing cd . , probably I am missing something.

But, anyway is your package, you can decide if a feature is
impotant/useful enough to be included.

> > PS: The changelog is updated and your name is registered for the
> > packahe maintainer ;-) Sorry for impersonating you :o)
> I don't agree on your changes in copyright files. It is not as
> intended in policy.
> Yann is included because we need a name. Really the copyright should
> go in the 'normal' files and copyright should include the (old) maintainers,
> main developers (but no need to keep updated).

Weird, will keep in mind... I always thought this way of recoding
copyright (distributed in files) is prone to problems later if
somebody forgets to add that note... anyway

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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