Ralf Stubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just compared the list of binaries installed by tetex-bin with those
> from my teTeX 3.0 installation that I compiled myself. Here are the
> interesting differences:
> * tetex-bin includes 'elatex' and 'pdfelatex' links. These are missing
>   from teTeX 3.0 and actually no longer necessary, since pdfetex is used
>   for all LaTeX formats. Actually executing 'elatex' or 'pdfelatex'
>   fails since the formats are missing.

Let's drop these

> * tetex-bin has no link 'lamed -> aleph'. The format exists, though.

 --format-links) in tetex-bin_install.in

> * The links 'ofm2opl', 'opl2ofm', 'ovf2ovp', and 'ovp2ovf' (all pointing
>   to 'omfonts') are missing from tetex-bin.

Should be added, don't where (or why they are missing).  They all need a

> * tetex-bin includes amstex, which is missing from my teTeX 3.0. No idea
>   how many users amstex still has.

we could remove it and wait for complains.

Will you prepare a patch?

Thank you for spotting this,
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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