
(please keep the bug in CC:; the team is not subscribed to
debian-l10-englidh mailing list)

Le 08/10/2010 20:41, Gerfried Fuchs a écrit :
>  It would be nice if the long description of your packages could consist
> of full sentences[1]. It somehow gives the impression like the first
> paragraph is a second try on a synopsis or short description. Maybe you
> want to run your package descriptions through a review process on the
> debian-l10n-english mailinglist.

This bug was reported a while ago, and given the high number of
binary packages, we clearly need a hand on this one.

I believe there are separate issues in the current descriptions:
 1. long description is not a sentence:
    libace-inet-*, tao-imr, tao-cosnaming, tao-costrading,
    tao-ftrtevent, tao-load, tao-tls

 2. description does not explain what the package is for:
    ace-gperf, libtao-*, tao-ft

 3. descriptions look the same:

 4. unclear description:

Do you agree with the above analysis? Anything missing? How to
proceed then?



Package: mpc-ace
Architecture: all
Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: make
Replaces: libace-dev (= 5.6.3-4)
Suggests: libace-dev, pkg-config
Description: makefile, project and workspace creator
 This package contains the Makefile, Project and Workspace Creator (MPC)
 as distributed with the ACE toolkit.
 MPC generates platform and compiler specific files to automate the
 compilation process.
 The following programs are included:
  * mpc-ace, generating project files for a single target
  * mwc-ace, generating workspace files for a set of projects

Package: libace-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: C++ network programming framework
 This package contains the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE)
 It provides platform independent C++ wrappers for interprocess
  * signals
  * pipes
  * sockets
  * message queues
  * semaphores
  * shared memory
 as well as thread, process management routines and much more.
 Moreover, it defines patterns for common communication tasks. Beyond
  * Reactor, to handle event demultiplexing and dispatching
  * Proactor, for asynchronous I/O driven programs

Package: libace-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: libace-doc, libtao-dev, pkg-config
Replaces: mpc-ace (<< 5.6.3-4)
Description: C++ network programming framework development files
 This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE

Package: libace-doc
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: libace-dev
Recommends: doc-base
Description: C++ network programming framework documentation
 This package contains the ACE overview documentation, tutorials,
 examples, and information regarding upstream development.

Package: libace-ssl-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE secure socket layer library
 This package contains wrappers that integrate the OpenSSL library in
 the ACE framework.

Package: libace-ssl-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-ssl-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), libssl-dev (>= 0.9.7d), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE secure socket layer library development files
 This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE
 SSL library.

Package: libace-rmcast-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE reliable multicast library
 The RMCast library is a reliable source-ordered multicast protocol
 It uses sequence number for re-ordering, duplicate suppression and
 loss detection of messages.

Package: libace-rmcast-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-rmcast-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE reliable multicast library development files
 This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE
 reliable multicast library.

Package: libace-tmcast-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE transactional multicast library
 The TMCast library is a transaction multicast protocol
 Each message is delivered to multicast group members as a
 transaction: an atomic, consistent and isolated action.

Package: libace-tmcast-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-tmcast-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE transactional multicast library development files
 This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE
 transactional multicast library.

Package: libace-htbp-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE protocol over HTTP tunneling library
 The HTTP Tunneling, Bidirectional, Protocol (HTBP) library enables
 the writing of stream-based protocols over HTTP.
 This allows clients behind a firewall to establish a connection with
 outbound servers using the HTTP protocol.

Package: libace-htbp-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-htbp-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE protocol over HTTP tunneling library development files
 This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE
 HTBP library.

Package: libace-inet-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE library for Inet protocol clients
 ACE addon library for Inet protocol clients (and possibly servers
 at some point) like http://, ftp:// etc

Package: libace-inet-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-inet-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE library for Inet protocol clients development files
 ACE addon library for Inet protocol clients (and possibly servers
 at some point) like http://, ftp:// etc

Package: libace-inet-ssl-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: libace-inet-6.0.1, libace-ssl-6.0.1, ${shlibs:Depends},
Description: ACE library for Inet protocol clients with SSL support
 ACE addon library for Inet protocol clients (and possibly servers
 at some point) which support SSL like https://, ftps:// etc

Package: libace-inet-ssl-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-inet-ssl-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-inet-dev (=
${binary:Version}), libace-ssl-dev (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE library for Inet protocol clients with SSL support
development files
 ACE addon library for Inet protocol clients (and possibly servers
 at some point) which support SSL like https://, ftps:// etc

Package: ace-gperf
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: gperf-ace (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: gperf-ace (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: ACE perfect hash function generator
 ace_gperf is the ACE version of gperf.
 Both ace_gperf and gperf were written by the same author, and have
 basically the same options and functionality. ace_gperf simply takes
 advantage of the some of the features provided by the ACE library.

Package: gperf-ace
Architecture: all
Depends: ace-gperf, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE perfect hash function generator (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to ace-gperf.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: libacexml-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE SAX based XML parsing library
 This package provides interfaces for XML parsing based on Simple API
 for XML (SAX) 2.0, defined by David Megginson. This is an
 event-driven parsing approach.
 ACEXML is a small footprint and portable library. It does not
 validate XML documents and supports only Unicode encoding.

Package: libacexml-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Replaces: libace-dev (<< 5.7.7-4)
Depends: libacexml-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE SAX based XML parsing library development files
 This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE
 XML parsing library.

Package: libkokyu-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: libtao-2.0.1, libtao-orbsvcs-2.0.1
Description: ACE scheduling and dispatching library
 Kokyu is a library designed to provide flexible scheduling and
 dispatching services.
 Currently it provides real-time scheduling and dispatching services
 for TAO real-time CORBA Event Service.

Package: libkokyu-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libkokyu-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE scheduling and dispatching library development files
 This package contains the header files and static library for the ACE
 scheduling and dispatching library.

Package: libace-qtreactor-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Qt
 Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE
 community has created several reactor extensions for use with X
 Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work
 with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI
 application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI
 events, such as button presses, any your own application events.
 The ACE_QtReactor extends both the ACE_Select_Reactor and the
 Trolltech Qt library's QObjects class. Rather then using select(),
 the QtWaitForMultipleEvents() function is used.

Package: libace-qtreactor-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-qtreactor-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), libqt4-dev, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Qt development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-Qt
 reactor integration.

Package: libace-xtreactor-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Xt
 Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE
 community has created several reactor extensions for use with X
 Window System.  Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work
 with a specific toolkit.  By using these reactors, your GUI
 application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI
 events, such as button presses, any your own application events.
 The ACE_XtReactor extends both the ACE_Select_Reactor and the X
 Toolkit library function XtWaitForMultipleEvents().

Package: libace-xtreactor-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-xtreactor-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), libxt-dev (>= 4.3.0), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Xt development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-Xt
 reactor integration.

Package: libace-tkreactor-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Tk
 Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE
 community has created several reactor extensions for use with X
 Window System.  Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work
 with a specific toolkit.  By using these reactors, your GUI
 application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI
 events, such as button presses, any your own application events.
 The ACE_TkReactor provides reactor functionality around the popular
 Tcl/Tk library.  The underlying Tcl/Tk method used is

Package: libace-tkreactor-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-tkreactor-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), tk-dev (>= 8.5), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Tk development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-Tk
 reactor integration.

Package: libace-flreactor-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Fl
 Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE
 community has created several reactor extensions for use with X
 Window System.  Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work
 with a specific toolkit.  By using these reactors, your GUI
 application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI
 events, such as button presses, any your own application events.
 The ACE_FlReactor integrates with the FastLight toolkit's Fl::wait()

Package: libace-flreactor-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-flreactor-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), libfltk1.1-dev (>= 1.1.4), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for Fl development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-Fl
 reactor integration.

Package: libace-foxreactor-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for FOX
 Recognizing the need to write reactor-based GUI applications, the ACE
 community has created several reactor extensions for use with X
 Window System. Each of these extends the ACE_Select_Reactor to work
 with a specific toolkit. By using these reactors, your GUI
 application can remain single threaded yet still respond to both GUI
 events, such as button presses, any your own application events.
 The ACE_FoxReactor integrates with the FOX toolkit.

Package: libace-foxreactor-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libace-foxreactor-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), libfox-1.6-dev, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE-GUI reactor integration for FOX development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the ACE-FOX
 reactor integration.

Package: libtao-2.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE based CORBA ORB core libraries
 The ACE ORB (TAO) is an open-source Common Object Request Broker
 Architecture (CORBA) 2.x-compliant Object Request Broker (ORB).  It
 supports real-time extensions.
 This package contains TAO core libraries.

Package: libtao-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Replaces: libtao-orbsvcs-dev (<< 5.7.7-4)
Depends: libtao-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: libtao-doc, libtao-orbsvcs-dev
Description: ACE based CORBA ORB core libraries development files
 This package contains the header files for TAO.  Due to the size of
 the static libs (> 400MB) they have been left out.

Package: libtao-doc
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Depends: libace-doc (= ${source:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: libtao-dev
Recommends: doc-base
Description: ACE based CORBA ORB core libraries documentation
 This package contains the TAO overview documentation, tutorials,
 examples, and information regarding upstream development.

Package: libtao-orbsvcs-2.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO CORBA services libraries
 This package contains libraries that are needed by many TAO programs.

Package: libtao-orbsvcs-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Replaces: libtao-dev (<< 5.7.7-4)
Depends: libtao-orbsvcs-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libtao-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO CORBA services development files
 This package contains the header files for the TAO CORBA services.
 Due to the size of the static libs (> 400MB) they have been left out.
 The examples and some documentation have been included as well.

Package: libtao-qtresource-2.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Qt
 The Qt resource factory integrates ACE QtReactor into TAO ORB

Package: libtao-qtresource-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libtao-qtresource-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}),
libace-qtreactor-dev (= ${binary:Version}), libtao-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Qt development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the TAO-Qt
 reactor integration.

Package: libtao-xtresource-2.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Xt
 The Xt resource factory integrates ACE XtReactor into TAO ORB

Package: libtao-xtresource-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libtao-xtresource-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}),
libace-xtreactor-dev (= ${binary:Version}), libtao-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Xt development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the TAO-Xt
 reactor integration.

Package: libtao-flresource-2.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Fl
 The Fl resource factory integrates ACE FlReactor into TAO ORB

Package: libtao-flresource-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libtao-flresource-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}),
libace-flreactor-dev (= ${binary:Version}), libtao-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Fl development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the TAO-Fl
 reactor integration.

Package: libtao-tkresource-2.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Tk
 The Tk resource factory integrates ACE TkReactor into TAO ORB

Package: libtao-tkresource-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libtao-tkresource-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}),
libace-tkreactor-dev (= ${binary:Version}), libtao-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for Tk development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the TAO-Tk
 reactor integration.

Package: libtao-foxresource-2.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for FOX
 The Fl resource factory integrates ACE FoxReactor into TAO ORB

Package: libtao-foxresource-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libtao-foxresource-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}),
libace-foxreactor-dev (= ${binary:Version}), libtao-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO-GUI reactor integration for FOX development files
 This package contains header files and static library for the TAO-FOX
 reactor integration.

Package: tao-idl
Architecture: any
Depends: libtao-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends},
Description: TAO IDL to C++ compiler
 This package provides a Interface Definition Language (IDL) to C++
 Use tao_idl to generate stubs and skeletons to call or implement
 CORBA distributed objects in C++.

Package: tao-ifr
Architecture: any
Depends: libtao-2.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends},
Description: TAO interface repository
 CORBA-aware programs can contact an interface repository to get
 objects interfaces at run-time. Then they can use the Dynamic
 Invocation Interface (DII) mechanism to invoke requests on those
 This package includes the following programs:
  * IFR_Service: interface repository server
  * tao_ifr: feeds in the interface repository

Package: tao-imr
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO implementation repository
 An implementation repository activates CORBA servers on demand.
 This package includes the following programs:
  * ImplRepo_Service: the main server; delegates call to activators
  * ImR_Activator: activates and shuts servers down on demand
  * tao_imr: registers servers for later activation

Package: tao-ft
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO fault tolerant services
 TAO supports Fault Tolerance for CORBA Objects.
 This package includes three FT CORBA infrastructure components:
  * Fault_Detector that monitors a process or a host
  * Fault_Notifier that receives fault reports from detectors
  * FT_ReplicationManager that manages object groups

Package: tao-utils
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Suggests: tao-cosnaming
Description: TAO naming service and IOR utilities
 This package includes programs to query or control a CORBA naming
 service, and to dump an IOR.
 The following programs are included:
  * tao_nslist, to list naming context and object bindings
  * tao_nsadd, to create bindings
  * tao_nsdel, to remove bindings
  * tao_catior, to dump the content of an Interoperable Object Reference

Package: tao-cosnaming
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-naming (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-naming (<< 5.7.7-1)
Recommends: tao-utils
Description: TAO naming service
 TAO implementation of CORBA interoperable naming service (INS).
 A naming service provides a location service for CORBA objects.
 Given a name, it will return the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR)
 for the CORBA object that was registered with this name.
 The following program is included:
  * tao_cosnaming

Package: tao-naming
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-cosnaming, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO naming service (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-cosnaming.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: tao-costrading
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-trading (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-trading (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: TAO trading service
 TAO implementation of CORBA trading service.
 A trading service is quite like a naming service except that it
 relies on a set of properties instead of a name to find object
 The following program is included:
  * tao_costrading

Package: tao-trading
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-costrading, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO trading service (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-costrading.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: tao-cosevent
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-event (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-event (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: TAO event service
 An event service creates channels where suppliers and consumers can
 push or pull events. This channel enables asynchronous, message based
 communication between consumers and suppliers.
 This event service supports both the Push and Pull styles for event
 The following program is included:
  * tao_cosevent

Package: tao-event
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-cosevent, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO event service (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-cosevent.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: tao-rtevent
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO real-time event service
 Another TAO implementation of CORBA event service. For more
 information on CORBA event service have a look at tao-cosevent
 This version does not support the Pull style but provides a real-time
 event channel.
 The following program is included:
  * tao_rtevent

Package: tao-ftrtevent
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO fault-tolerant real-time event service
 TAO fault-tolerant, real-time CORBA event service. For more
 information on CORBA event service have a look at tao-cosevent
 This package contains:
  * ftrt_eventservice, the fault-tolerant event channel
  * ftrtec_factory_service, spawning ftrt_eventservice processes
  * ftrtec_gateway_service, relaying events to FT CORBA unaware clients

Package: tao-cosnotification
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-notify (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-notify (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: TAO notification service
 A notification service enhances an event service. For more
 information on CORBA event service have a look at tao-cosevent
 The notification service adds:
  * quality of service control on reliability and speed
  * event filtering
 This package contains:
  * tao_cosnotification

Package: tao-notify
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-cosnotification, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO notification service (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-cosnotification.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: tao-load
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO load balancing service
 TAO implementation of OMG Load Balancing and Monitoring
 This package provides:
  * LoadManager, that distributes loads across objects
  * LoadMonitor, that monitors and reports loads to a manager

Package: tao-tls
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-log (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-log (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: TAO telecom log services
 TAO implementations of CORBA telecom log service.
 Four separate services are provided:
  * tao_tls_basic
  * tao_tls_event
  * tao_tls_notify
  * tao_tls_rtevent

Package: tao-log
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-tls, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO telecom log services (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-tls.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: tao-scheduling
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO scheduling service
 TAO implementation of CORBA scheduling service.
 This package contains:
  * Scheduling_Service
  * Dump_Schedule

Package: tao-cosconcurrency
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-concurrency (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-concurrency (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: TAO concurrency service
 A concurrency service provides a mechanism to acquire and release
 locks in a distributed system.
 TAO version does not support transactions.

Package: tao-concurrency
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-cosconcurrency, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO concurrency service (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-cosconcurrency.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: tao-coslifecycle
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-lifecycle (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-lifecycle (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: TAO lifecycle service
 The CORBA lifecycle service allows clients to create, delete, copy
 and move objects.
 This package contains the TAO implementation of such service.

Package: tao-lifecycle
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-coslifecycle, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO lifecycle service (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-coslifecycle.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: tao-costime
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Conflicts: tao-time (<< 5.7.7-1)
Replaces: tao-time (<< 5.7.7-1)
Description: TAO time service
 A time service offers globally synchronized time to clients.
 This package contains two programs:
  * tao_costime_clerk, answering client requests
  * tao_costime_server, queried by clerks to keep their time

Package: tao-time
Architecture: all
Depends: tao-costime, ${misc:Depends}
Description: TAO time service (transitional package)
 This package is a transitional package to tao-costime.
 It can be safely removed after installation.

Package: ace-netsvcs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE network service implementations
 ACE network services provide reusable components for common
 distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time
 This package contains driver program and exemplary configuration
 files that links the various ACE network services together, either
 statically or dynamically, to form complete server programs.

Package: libnetsvcs-6.0.1
Architecture: any
Section: libs
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE network service implementations
 ACE network services provide reusable components for common
 distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time
 This package contains runtime libraries for ACE network services.

Package: libnetsvcs-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
Depends: libnetsvcs-6.0.1 (= ${binary:Version}), libace-dev (=
${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: ACE network service implementations
 ACE network services provide reusable components for common
 distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time
 This package contains header files and static library for the ACE
 network services library.

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