Sorry for writing to you - I was not able to find
email of person responsible for managing AMD 
Accelerated Parallel Processing SDK.
Feel free to forward this email to AMD APP team.

I am involved in development and packaging PyOpenCL
Python wrapper for OpenCL. I am maintainer of Debian
python-pyopencl package. Currently Debian (and Ubuntu)
only provides NVIDIA OpenCL implementation. Recently
I have received bug report demanding support for AMD
OpenCL implementation:
I have checked that python-pyopencl works correctly
with AMD APP. I have opened bug asking for Debian Developer
to package AMD APP:
Andreas Beckmann (CC'd) started working on packaging
but current license prevents AMD APP SDK from being
distributed by Debian, even in non-free section.

Would it be possible to change license to DFSG-free
(Debian Free Software Guidelines) one? This way AMD APP
could be distributed in by Debian without any restrictions.
According to DFSG-free
licenses include GPL, LGPL, BSD, Apache, MIT, Perl artistic
license, and others.

If changing license to the free one is not possible, debian-legal
team claims that:
"something like this would be better [than current license]:

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak <> GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860

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