On 06/19/2011 12:00 PM, Valentin QUEQUET wrote:
> I used fusecompress/2.6.git913897f4-1 to compress some data.
> Unfortunately, I didn't keep the original non-compressed form of the data,
> and this same version of fusecompress fails to read the data (neither the
> FUSE-based program, or the Offline program).
> Both programs fail with the SIGSEGV signal.
> So, I downgraded to fusecompress/2.6-4 in ordr to try to read my compressed 
> data.
> Lack of luck, certainly : this previous version of fusecompress fails
> miserably too to read the data compressed with fusecompress/2.6.git913897f4-1 
> .
> Both versions fail in the exact same manner ; so no need to provide logs
> this time.
> Do you think there is a solution for me to recover my data ?

I'm looking into it. I've also pinged Milan (Upstream Developer).

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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