On 06/18/2011 11:51 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Am 2011-06-18 14:58:28, schrieb Eliad Bagherzadegan:
>> I run su in lxterminal, and then do whatever I want to as root.
> YOU CAN NOT run a GUI program as  another  user  as  the  owner  of  the
> xsession.  OK, there is a possibility with a security problem...
You can do that when you are using slim, gdm, gdm3.

>> Did you test it on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD or Debian GNU/Linux?
>> Because, I think the bug is Debian GNU/kFreeBSD specific.
> No it is not.
"gksu synaptic" doesn't work (gives the same error) in kFreeBSD,
even though it does in Linux.

Eliad Bagherzadegan

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