
Alle domenica 3 luglio 2011, Pierre THIERRY ha scritto:
> Opening any Postscript document shows the correct number of pages,
> but all are shown completely blank. If the PS file is converted to
> PDF by ps2pdf, the resulting PDF can be viewed with okular without
> problem. For what it's worth, the DVI from which the PS was produced
> is also shown correctly.
> i.e.
> http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/Publications/Scheme/pldi91-cf.dvi.gz
> and
> http://www.cs.rice.edu/CS/PLT/Publications/Scheme/pldi91-cf.ps.gz

These two documents are displayed correctly here (current testing on 
Can you please:
- run kdebugdialog, filter for "okular", enable the areas "4700 okular", 
"4711 okular (spectre)", and "okular" (the one without a number), click 
Ok to save and quit kdebugdialog
- run okular from a console: `okular a_faulty_document.ps &>okular.log`
- attach the okular.log

P.S.: (unrelated to this bug)
> Versions of packages okular suggests:
> ii  okular-extra-backends       4:4.4.5-2   additional document format 
> support
this is at version 4.6.3 in testing, you might want to update it

Pino Toscano

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