On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 08:45:46PM +0000, Cord Beermann wrote:
> Hallo! Du (Alexander Reshetov) hast geschrieben:
> > Name: debian-dug-by
> Before i ask you the following:
> | After filing the request, it would be very much appreciated if several 
> | other people interested in the new list would send a mail to the bug,
> | in order to record their interest.
> we should talk about the listname. 
> We suggest to ask for a list with the name debian-user-belarus. 
> Your suggestion is far away from any existing list in our system.
> If that is ok for you, you should change the request and then show us
> that there is enough interest in this list...


Thanks for such  question, but I (and others I think) would to leave
debian-dug-by. This choise is simple.

debian-user-<language> mailing lists is for support for Debian users
that speak in this <language>. In Belarus most people speak russian. But
for russian-speaking people exists debian-russian@l.d.o ML. There is no
need (unfortunately) in creation of ML for belarusian-speaking people
while small percentage of such people.

But on the other hand we need mailing list for those reasons which I
described in first message.

BTW, it isn't so "far away from any existing list" because there is two
-dug- mailing lists (debian-dug-in and debian-dug-mx) for which
exists -dug- paradigm [0].

 0 : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=588668#28

This -dug- mailing lists can be also included in separate type of lists on

Best regards,
Alexander Reshetov

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