New PyOpenCL version (2011.1.2) is in Debian.
I have changed OpenCL-related dependencies.
Now, instead of requiring NVIDIA libopencl, package depends on virtual
opencl-icd, and different packages can provide it.
Package still contains build-dependency on NVIDIA's libopencl-dev.

Please test whether this is the correct run-time solution for this
bug, and if so, whether this bug can be closed or should I wait
for non-NVIDIA OpenCL libraries to also fix build-dependencies.

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak <bogom...@post.pl> GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860

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