On Tue, 26 Jul 2011 12:56:15 -0700 Vincent Cheng wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Francesco Poli
> > I thought that the used chroot environments only had main repositories
> > available, when building source packages from the main archive.
> > Otherwise, how can they make sure that no packages outside of main are
> > used as build-dependencies?
> > Or is this automatic check missing?
> That's exactly what I thought as well, until my sponsor tried to
> convince me otherwise. I don't know how the buildds handle this, but
> it works, so I'm not complaining. Conky still builds fine according to
> the build logs [1] (aside from a completely unrelated FTBFS on
> kfreebsd), and Nvidia support is still compiled in and fully working
> on conky-all i386 and amd64 (I've tested it myself).

Thanks for your quick reply.

I hope we are reasonably sure that *no* packages outside of main are
used to build the binary packages intended for main!

The output of

  $ ldd $(which conky)

on my system (where conky-std is now installed) seems to indicate that
the nvidia stuff is *not* linked with conky.
But that's not surprising, since I only have "main" repositories
configured and conky-std installed fine (no missing dependencies) and
can be started with no complaints of missing libraries.

Are there any other checks that may be performed?

> Looks like a separate conky-all source package is no longer needed.


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