On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 10:21:02AM +0000, Clint Adams wrote:
> When trying to access dc11-monkeysphere on gobby.debian.net right now, gobby 
> crashes:
> % gobby-0.5 
> **
> ERROR:inf-text-gtk-view.c:978:inf_text_gtk_view_expose_event_after_cb: 
> assertion failed: (end <= gtk_text_buffer_get_char_count( 
> gtk_text_view_get_buffer(priv->textview) ))
> zsh: abort      gobby-0.5

Yeah, me too; on the same document.  It's known upstream, and I also
filed a ticket upstream now (#564).

@Armin: The server will disappear on the weekend, though.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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