On Fri, Jul 29 2011, martin f krafft wrote:

> Add the following to rc.lua:
>   function timeout_sleep()
>     local f = io.popen('sleep 5', 'r')
>     local s = f:read('*l')
>     f:close()
>   end
>   ts = timer({ timeout = 10 })
>   ts:add_signal('timeout', timeout_sleep)
>   ts:start()
> You will notice that awesome becomes unusable every 10 seconds for
> 5 seconds. We think this should happen in the background without
> blocking the UI.

This is not going to happen. awesome is not multithreaded, so obviously
reading from something which is blocked (sleep) is going to block
awesome in its event loop.

This has always been the case and will always be, until someone
implements some threading. It's up to you (the developer) to not make
awesome blocks on reading blocked stuff.

Julien Danjou
❱ http://julien.danjou.info

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