Hi Wolfgang,

On 07/29/2011 03:11 PM, Wolfgang Schulze-Zachau wrote:
> Hi Sils,
> Maybe I haven't been clear enough in my original email.

Really thanks for your extended explanation...

Let me respond you via BTS, just to let the complete info about this
issue for others whom will be interested.

> The mantis apache.conf file, as installed from the package, is actually
> not a complete vhost configuration (probably because mantis can be run
> within a vhost without problem). I simply wrapped the contents in that
> file in a VirtualHost declaration, which also defines ServerName and
> ServerAlias, because this server hosts approx. a dozen internal
> websites. The VirtualHost declaration further contains a CustomLog entry
> and a DocumentRoot entry. In fact, here is the complete file (with the
> additional Alias as required):

I see, I understand now the problem.. (for privacity I don't reply your
custom config).

When you use mantis under Virtual Host configuration, which the
Documentroot overrides the "/" directory, and you use the Alias for
/mantis, even if you assume it's not necessary:

If you run this, everything works fine:

If you run this, doesn't:

Because in that case you are using the defaults from Apache, and in
combination with javascript-common apache Alias, the server is triying
to look the files under /usr/share/javascript/.

As mantisBT upstream documentation explains, the default configuration
for mantis is always "http://host/mantis";, and in debian the default
configuration is always ""http://host/mantis/mantis";.

Because of that reason the "default package" distributed under debian
it's prepared to work correctly under that especs.

Of course, that's not means that you could apply your "custom"
configuration, and that's what you are getting those troubles.. yes your
right, you have a problem with "javascript" path location under this
custom work around.

But when you change something you have to "take care" on your own
changes", even if you made and update.. because "the default maintainer
version will not be installed on your system as well" .. right?

Yes, I guess one solution for "your custom configuration", would be add
this line into the config Apache file:

Alias /javascript /usr/share/mantis/www/javascript

FYI, your case will be considered, and we are going to open a bug under
wishlist to apply some warnings about setting up mantis under
VirtualHost configuration and different "default" path. Some information
about this is related to Multisite documentation, but is not exactly the
same case.

I open a wishlist bug related to this issue on BTS #635932


Thanks a lot for your help, and sorry about the misunderstanding.



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