On Mon, Aug 01, 2011 at 10:59:48AM +0200, Vincent Danjean wrote:
> close #635735 2.1.13-1
> thanks
> On 01/08/2011 08:38, serge.guel...@telecom-bretagne.eu wrote:
> >  rgrep makeglossaries /usr/share/texmf/scripts/latex-make
> > finds nothing, so I see litte possibility for it to work. I'll send a 
> > minimal example by the end of the day, I have a Phd to finish :)
> makeglossaries is a simple script around makeidx (that has no
> idea of dependencies, so that is more complex to integrate into
> a Makefile than direct calls to makeidx). So, unless proven
> otherwise, calling makeglossaries is unneeded when using
> the 'glossaries' package and LaTeX make (hence I close this bug).
>   If you want, I can send you (privately, its not mine) a thesis
> that use the 'glossaries.sty' package with LaTeX.mk. The only tips
> in the main Makefile file is the line:
> INDEX_STYLE=style/these.ist
> (the author would like to use a private style for its main index).
>   Regards,
>     Vincent

Hi Vincent,
I agree makeglossaries is just a wrapper. However, latex-make does not
work properly with the package, as shown in the enclosed latex document.

$ make
does not generate the index

$ pdflatex test.tex
$ makeglossaries test
$ pdflatex test.tex

does it

Any thoughts ?

% lang

description={a simple test}


% document
This is a \gls{test} file



include LaTeX.mk

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