
On Tue, 2011-08-02 at 20:33 +0200, Nicos Gollan wrote:
> Depending on a system-level libcelt will frequently break until the CELT
> bitstream becomes stable. This can and likely will cause interoperability
> issues at some point, e.g. when Debian updates from the by now seriously
> outdated 0.7 library.
> If CELT is absolutely required, supply a private library like e.g. Mumble
> does.

The RoarAudio developer team is in contact with both upstream and ron
(the debian maintainer for celt/opus). We are aware of those problems.
The protocol used to transmit CELT data (codec=ROAR_CELT) transmits the
used version of CELT so the other end can (and will) check if they match
so there will be no problem between packages compiled with diffrent
versions of CELT (beside that it does not work).

ron told me he is going to not upgrade libcelt to newer versions any
more but to migrate all software to opus as soon as it gets into a clear
legal state.

Same goes for RoarAudio devels: as soon as the legal problems are solved
we will start to support opus and this package will be migraded as well.

I will contact ron again to ask him if anything changed I need to know
about or if the planed migration path is still valid.

 (Rah of PH2)

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