
Thanks for your help.

Here I send you the files and info you need. ;)

Salu2 de jEsuSdA 8)

grep AudioOutputMethod /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

# AudioOutputMethod "pulse"

# Start the PulseAudio sound server in system mode.
# (enables the pulseaudio init script)
# System mode is not the recommended way to run PulseAudio as it has some
# limitations (such as no shared memory access) and could potentially allow
# users to disconnect or redirect each others audio streams. The
# recommended way to run PulseAudio is as a per-session daemon. For GNOME
# sessions you can install pulseaudio-esound-compat and GNOME will
# automatically start PulseAudio on login (if ESD is enabled in
# System->Preferences->Sound). For other sessions, you can simply start
# PulseAudio with "pulseaudio --daemonize".
# 0 = don't start, 1 = start

# Prevent users from dynamically loading modules into the PulseAudio sound
# server. Dynamic module loading enhances the flexibility of the PulseAudio
# system, but may pose a security risk.
# 0 = no, 1 = yes

# Defaults for the speech-dispatcher initscript, from speech-dispatcher

# Set to yes to start system wide Speech Dispatcher

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