On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 10:37:16PM +0000, auto38092...@hushmail.com wrote:

In addition to Petter's comments, I'd just like to add that:

> /init: /init: 223: [: not found
> /init: /init: 223: sh: not found
> /init: /init: 239: umount: not found
> /init: /init: 242: mount: not found
> /init: /init: 273: [: not found
> /init: /init: 318: cannot open /root/dev/console: No such file

Note that /init is a part of the initramfs.  And that '[', 'sh',
'mount' and 'umount' are all provided by busybox by default in
the initramfs.  This is just a shell script you can look at--you
can unpack the initrd by hand if you want to inspect it.

Note that you could, as documented in initramfs-tools(8), use the
break=(top|bottom|init|...) to run a shell in the initramfs
environment.  This will allow you to look at what's wrong, e.g.
are the programs/symlinks actually present?  As Petter suggested,
run update-initramfs to ensure it's up-to-date, and ensure that
your system, busybox and initramfs-tools in particular, are
definitely the correct current versions before doing it.

WRT your comment about IRC, I don't have the time to do that, and I
also can't be sure to reply in 24 hours--we're all volunteers here, and
this is not paid technical support.  Note that mail is archived and so
others who may have the same problem will benefit from that where they
would not with IRC.  It also requires us to be available at the same
time, and since Debian is a global project, that's often difficult.  In
consequence, IRC is not an efficient use of time since the same issue
might need to be dealt with more than once with different people, and
it's not amenable for others to participate, unlike public bug reports,
which are a resource available to all, and preserve a historical record
which will be useful for years to come.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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