severity 636104 normal


yes, autologin can be security problem. But none want to enable autologin
by default. But empty password is problem too and no body breaks support
for empty passwords...

If someone allow autologin in secure machine, it is his problem. If
someone steal my computer, the disabled autologin do not prevent

And here is my usage: i am suing my computer about 95% of the time. But
other 5% use it my wife. For this i am using delayed autologin, which
allow to login other users too, but do not waste mi time with typing
password by each login.

I did up the severity, while the autologin options are mentioned in
lighdm.conf, but enabling/setting do not works. And here is nothing in doc
directory about function, which maintainer unimplemented. IF you still do
not want implement it, please include missing PAM file in doc/examples and
write how enabli it in Readme.DEBIAN.



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