Nutrition Update: New product just released

 Product Name: >Hoodia<

 What it does:

 - Suppress your appetite and feel full and satisfied all day long
 - Boost your energy levels
 - Lose excess (w)-(e)-(i)-(g)-(h)-(t)
 - Boost your metabolism
 - Burn body (f)-(a)-(t)
 - Burn calories
 - Attack obesity

 This product was just featured on 60 Minutes, and the BBC New report on Sept 
12th, 2005

 Further Information:

 Walter Maestri had dreaded this call for a decade, ever since he took over 
emergency management for Jefferson Parish, a marshy collection of suburbs 
around New Orleans. It was Friday night, Aug. 26, and his friend Max Mayfield 
was on the line. Mayfield is the head of the National Hurricane Center, and he 
wasn't calling to chat. The epicenter of the quake, which struck at 0735 GMT, 
was off the east coast of New Britain, about 81 miles east-southeast of Rabaul, 
the Hong Kong Observatory said.Asked about Brown, Allen said he spoke to him 
Friday.In July 1998, two undersea quakes measuring 7.0 created three tsunamis 
that killed at least 2,100 near the town of Aitape on the north coast of Papua 
New Guinea.In July 1998, two undersea quakes measuring 7.0 created three 
tsunamis that killed at least 2,100 near the town of Aitape on the north coast 
of Papua New Guinea.With a history of several destructive storms, the county 
has a well-rehearsed disaster plan But Katrina, a powerful Category Four 
hurricane when it devastated Mississippi and Louisiana, was on residents’ minds 
even though Ophelia was only Category One and had been waxing and waning in 
strength."We got a lot of good people on the ground here that are with FEMA and 
with the state agencies," he said. "They wear their badges, and they look good. 
But unfortunately, we just not have seen all the assets and all the resources 
that we need in our city."Story continues below ?Other memorials planned Sunday 
included a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey service for the 84 
employees it lost on September 11. Firefighters planned to roll out their 
trucks and other equipment in front of their firehouses.One by one, the names 
of the dead echoed across the site where the twin towers collapsed four years 
ago in a nightmarish cloud of dust and debris.Honore said his troops will 
continue to assist New Orleans residents who refuse to leave their homes 
despite a mandatory evacuation order.“If it was a Category Four barreling down 
here, I would get out if I had a chance,” Lee said. “The structures just can’t 
take that kind of wind. We’re cautiously watching (Ophelia). We’re not giving 
up until it’s north of us.”"I think it's going to be a lower number, much lower 
than the 10,000," said Honore. "A heck of a lot lower than that."Relatives in 
the crowd bowed their heads and sobbed as speakers uttered brief, personal 
messages to the brothers and sisters they lost, many voices breaking in 
sorrow.“If it was a Category Four barreling down here, I would get out if I had 
a chance,” Lee said. “The structures just can’t take that kind of wind. We’re 
cautiously watching (Ophelia). We’re not giving up until it’s north of 
us.”"Everything is related to the unwatering at this point," he 
added.Regardless of its strength, Ophelia merits respect, said Larry Jenkins, a 
worker at the Sportsman’s Pier in Atlantic Beach."One of the things we talked 
about today was a single coordinating mechanism so I could take all those 
different forces that are flowing into a parish and make sure they were being 
put to the highest priorities of those parish residents and the presidents," he 
said.The Army Corps of Engineers Saturday revised its timetable for draining 
the flood waters from New Orleans, saying the draining should be completed in 
October, far sooner than previous estimates.The Federal Emergency Management 
Agency has been criticized for what state and local officials have said was a 
slow response to Katrina.‘Cautiously watching’‘Cautiously watching’SYDNEY - A 
major earthquake measuring 7.3 in magnitude shook parts of Papua New Guinea on 
Friday, but there were no immediate reports of damage and a tsunami was 
unlikely, officials said.Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, criticized President 
Bush on Sunday for responding to the crisis with a "spin operation" but no 
apparent sense that the government had failed its people. 

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