On 08-19 00:59, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Hi Witold,
> Witold Baryluk wrote:
> > Subject: links: IPv6 HTTP proxy doesn't work
> > [...]
> > Version: 2.2-1+b1
> Can you check, if it works with 2.3~pre2-1 or 2.3-1?
> Since 2.3~pre2-1 there is an IPv6 patch applied...

I just tested links 2.3-1, with proxiy setting "localhost:8118",
and having privoxy listen on IPv6 only (::1) on port 8118.

From my tests everything works! 

For example this is long running download (from kernel.org,
also by IPv6) using links

# netstat -apn | grep -E 'privoxy|links'
tcp6       0      0 ::1:8118                :::*                    LISTEN      
tcp6       0      0 ::1:43256               ::1:8118                ESTABLISHED 
tcp6       0      0 2001:470:1f0b:527:54042 2001:500:60:10:1994::80 ESTABLISHED 
tcp6       0   7040 ::1:8118                ::1:43256               ESTABLISHED 
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2284871  5252/links          

And this is similar long download to ftp.de.debian.org (which is IPv4 only 

tcp        0      0           ESTABLISHED 
tcp6       0      0 ::1:8118                :::*                    LISTEN      
tcp6       0      0 ::1:43288               ::1:8118                ESTABLISHED 
tcp6       0   7240 ::1:8118                ::1:43288               ESTABLISHED 
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2284871  5252/links          

So, everything works extreamly well! No timeouts, errors,
everything was working fast, so no slow paths or retries
was encountered. At least in this quick testing.

Beyond testing "localhost:8118", I also entered
"[::1]:8118", and it also worked!

Nice. Thanks you.

Now only if links could respect http_proxy environment variable,
(if it is not already configured in links configuration),
everything will be perfect.

I think this bug can be properly closed for 2.3-1, as it is fixed. :)

Witold Baryluk

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