
today i test your solution:

reprepro --version
reprepro: This is reprepro version 4.7.0

The allcomponents option (tried as default) works OK. But the
percomponent not. I have in my conf/distributions:

Codename: testing
Contents: percomponent .gz

i deleted all Content* files and run

reprepro -b . -v export 
Exporting testing...
 generating main/Contents-amd64...
 generating non-free/Contents-amd64...
 generating main/Contents-i386...
 generating non-free/Contents-i386...

it seems to be OK, but it creates symlinks in dist/testing directory too:

ll dists/testing/C*
... dists/testing/Contents-amd64.gz -> main/Contents-amd64.gz
... dists/testing/Contents-i386.gz -> main/Contents-i386.gz

Is it desired behavior, please?


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