Am 06.09.2011 19:25, schrieb Andreas Metzler:

> Could you please confirm that suspicion, by doublechecking
> a) the issue is reproducible with libgcrypt11 1.5.0-3

It is definitely reproducible with libgcrypt11 1.5.0-3. Like i said in
my bug report to 640501, i have made a downgrade to libgcrypt 1.4.6-9
and everything is working again as intended. Then i put the old library
on hold.

> and 
> b) the issue goes away again when downgrading libgcrypt11 to 1.4.6-9?

A few minutes ago i set libgcrypt 1.4.6-9 to "unhold", made an upgrade
to the latest packages. The problem still exists. Another downgrade to
1.4.6-9 solves the issue.


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