On Mon, 2011-09-19 at 12:19 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-09-18 at 23:45 +0200, Fabrizio Regalli wrote:
> > I'm checking xul-ext-uppity but there is a problem :( : it seems to be
> > compatible only with 5.* version of Iceweasel
> > In sid we have Iceweasel 6.* 
> > The ideal should be to create a package for testing only, but I don't
> > think it's possible.
> > To be honest, I haven't tried to bump maxversion for checking if it
> > could be work with Iceweasel 6.*
> > Tomorrow I'll check this: if the add-on bumped works, I'll do the
> > package but if it doesn't work I can't do nothing :-( or better,  I can
> > ask to some DD in pkg-mozext team for checking if there is a reasonable
> > solution in case like this.
> According to this upstream ticket the compatibility is fine, you just
> need to bump the maxversion:
> http://trac.arantius.com/ticket/535
> They also suggest bumping it to 8.X even though that isn't out yet.

Really great.
package is coming!

Thank you!

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