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Hi, Jonathan.
  - Juan, do you still have machines that can be convinced to produce
    the soft lockups again?  Could you send a log snippet (starting at
    BUG and ending at =======================) for such a soft lockup,
    either by reproducing it again or by extracting it from 2010's
    kernel logs if you still have them?
I'm sorry, but I have migrated the whole network to Ubuntu Lucid (also with kernel 2.6.32, and no problems).
  - Assuming the lenny kernel is still broken and the lenny-backports
    kernel fixed, a useful next step would be to try a kernel from
    between (2.6.30 or so) from snapshot.debian.org to help narrow down
    the search for the fix.

I am not 100% sure, but I think we installed every kernel update on these machines until the problem was fixed. So maybe the first place to look is the 2.6.31/32 changelog.

The only clue I can give is that both machines had NFS4+kerberos mounted homes, so maybe it was related to bug 552706. Ubuntu had a similar bug with kernel 2.6.27 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/289158).

Sorry for not being able to give more info. Best regards,

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