tags 644389 moreinfo unreproducible

also sprach pille <pille+debian+bug-rep...@struction.de> [2011.10.05.1458 
> i assembled my RAID devices by hand


> but all names were prefixed with hostname 'hetzner'.

What names? You mean the name= attribute in the mdadm --examine

> disks used were new & empty and had no affiliation to hetzner
> online AG you can search the net for '"name=hetzner:" mdadm.conf'
> to yield probably the original UUIDs.

Please provide the exact original and new UUIDs, don't expect me to
search the Net for them (I am offline right now).

Also, did you change the hostname?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
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