On 9/17/05, Nicolas Bonifas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Package: sbackup
> Version: 0.8-1
> Severity: important
> When I run sbackupd, I get the output that follows after some minutes, and the
> program exits. 10284 was the pid of sbackupd.
> I also join the end of the strace output, and my config file.

Well, first of all you should not be trying to backup /proc or /sys
and probably shouldn't backup /dev, especially if it is managed by
udev or devfs.
There should be a warning against that.

The second bug is that sbackupd get an error because it is trying to
get info of a file from a directory that has just been erased - a race

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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