Le jeudi, 10 novembre 2011 11.08:39, Raphael Hertzog a écrit :
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2011, Daniel Baumann wrote:
> > the PTS needs to be updated then to make use of this new 'feature'.
> Why? When I click on the DDPO link for someone in the PTS I want to see
> all his packages, not only those associated to the given email.

IMHO, there are two use cases, and the current behaviour doesn't cover either:

a) I want to see all packages maintained by someone (often "me"). In that 
case, selection might be made on @d.o login, Name, "any" email address. But in 
that case, I want one single "merged" list.

b) I want to see all packages uploaded by a certain e-mail address (or by 
multiple ones). In that case, selection might be made mostly on e-mail 
addresses and the lists of packages should not be merged.

Currently, I have a) for the list of emails but b) as lists are not merged, 
which doesn't sound very coherent to me.



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