On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 08:33:23PM +0200, Stone wrote:
> I downloaded the iso from www.tinyplanet.ca/~lsorense/amd64 as you
> suggested, and it works !
> Although the hardware detect didn't detect my disc, I had to "modprobe
> sd_mod" from the shell manually.
> after that I could set up my partitions and install the base system. 

Yeah the auto detection of any hardware that wasn't supported in 2.6.8
doesn't work yet.  But at least you can manually load drivers and then
continue with a working install.

> I wanted to ask if there is a ftp or http site where I can download CD-isos
> with kernel v2.6.11.
> because I'm not sure if these cd-s
> "http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/sarge-amd64/iso-cd/"; are with
> the one I need. 
> My guess is they are with the 2.6.8 kernel.

Any normal sarge CD will have 2.6.8 kernel.  You would have to grab the
kernel package from unstable to get 2.6.12, or find a backport of the
kernel package.  Or of course you could build your own (the
linux-source-2.6.12 package should be a good start from unstable).

I don't think there are full cd images of testing or sarge made at this

Len Sorensen

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