On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 03:06:03PM -0500, Tim Heckman wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:22 AM, Andrew Pollock <apoll...@debian.org>wrote:
> >
> > dhclient-script got some major overhauling in 4.2.2-1, and your patch is no
> > longer applicable.
> >
> > Is the original bug still present in 4.2.2-1?
> >
> > regards
> >
> > Andrew
> Andrew,
> It does appear to work normally in 4.2.2-1 on Sid.  However, unless I am
> missing something it appears that you cannot specify a hostname locally
> without modifying '/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf' to not request that information
> via DHCP or simply using static IP addresses.  For example if I make the
> following entry in "/etc/hosts" and issue the following command, the
> hostname ("sid-test") is not set on boot:
>    sid-test    sid-test.timheckman.net
>     `echo "sid-test" > /etc/hostname`
> Instead, the hostname that was provided by DHCP is set every time.  Am I
> missing a way to allow you to specify a hostname locally and not use the
> one the DHCP server is providing without digging too deep in to
> configuration files?  I do not feel the dhclient-script should handle this
> way and should only set the hostname provided via DHCP if the local
> hostname is '(none)', 'localhost', if "/etc/hostname" has a size of 0, or
> if "/etc/hostname" has a size of zero and it differs from the current
> hostname set.

4.2.2-2 is going to stop requesting the host-name option by default. I don't
feel that dhclient-script should be making implicit assumptions by looking
at the state of the system, it should only do what it is explicitly
configured to do, i.e. if the host-name option is requested, it should set
the host-name. Since this behaviour (by default) is clearly surprising
people (and causing problems), I'm changing it to not be the default behaviour.
> Also, it's good to see progress was made on an unstable version.  How is
> this going to be fixed up in the Debian Stable (6.0/Squeeze) package?

I'll have to review the situation in Squeeze.

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