On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 03:10:09PM +0000, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-12-14 at 14:34 +0200, أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed
> El-Mahmoudy) wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 04:31:24AM +0000, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> > > Sorry, no it isn't.  You have to test for CONFIG_X86_32 inside of
> > > Kbuild, and you can't use uname for this anywhere.
> > 
> > Can you further explain this please ?
> 1. You run 'make' in the drivers directory.
> 2. This invokes the kernel build system (Kbuild).
> 3. Kbuild includes the Makefile from the drivers directory again.
> Steps 1 and 3 can be distinguished by whether KERNELRELEASE is defined.
> At step 3, CONFIG_X86_32 is defined or not, as appropriate.  At step 1,
> you can't tell.  Testing uname is no good because that tells you about
> the host kernel and not the target kernel.
> Well, you could include $(KERNEL_DIR)/.config at step 1.

Ok, the reason I did the patch this way is that CONFIG_X86_32 was only 
defined on kernel >= 2.6.14, so I needed a way to detect the target 
kernel for kernel < 2.6.14, that is in order to create a patch suitable 
for upstream.

> > > Really, the Makefile needs a thorough cleanup.
> > 
> > Actually, I don't want to remove the 2.4.x kernel support.
> Whyever not?

  Well, I'm not sure if upstream will accept a patch that removes 2.4.x 
  kernel support, and if upstream doesn't accept it, I'm not willing to 
  maintain such a patch.

> Well the USB driver ought to work on any architecture, right?

  Maybe. But as far as I know, the sl-modem-daemon package (which is 
  what will make use of the driver) would only work on x86 archs because 
  of the binary blob:

  modem/dsplibs.o: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), 
not stripped

 ‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
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