Hi Michael,

On 12/18/2011 04:29 PM, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
Excerpts from Stefan Bühler's message of 2011-12-18 15:19:14 +0000:
I won't add the tmpfiles config upstream, as i think this should be
handled by the distributions.
So, every distribution now has to ship an identical tmpfiles.d/lighttpd.conf
and be aware that it is missing? I don’t get the rationale behind this
decision. Every distribution which picks up the lighttpd.service *needs* a file
like this, since systemd expects /run on tmpfs.

There is no need for a (/var)/run/lighttpd/ directory - the pid file is placed directly in (/var)/run, and the sockets are placed wherever the user wants them to be.

The upstream config examples don't contain any reference to (/var)/run/lighttpd/, so i see no reason to add a tmpfile here (neither are our init script examples creating that directory).

As soon as there is a sane tmpfiles.d approach, we can discuss actually using it in our config examples.

(afaik the debian configs contain a /var/run/lighttpd/ reference only in mod_webdav.conf, which could be modified to use /var/run easily)


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