Package: xalan
Version: 1.8-4


what I wanted to tell is rather something to improve, than a bug.

I am using Xalan-C++ for a very long time now, I still remember when the only XSLT-Processor binary was "TestXSLT". At least from Version 1.6, however Xalan-C++ also has another binary called "Xalan". This binary has IMHO a much nicer user-interface:

   1) The calling convention is very much like that of saxon
2) It does not spit out messages "Parsing ... took ... ms" like TestXSLT does

Here some non-sense sample calls of TestXSLT, Xalan and saxon, that should all to the same:

TestXSLT -param name "'wert'" -in data.xml -xsl style.xsl -out ausgabe
Xalan -p name "'wert'" -o ausgabe data.xml style.xsl
saxon -p name='wert' -o ausgabe data.xml style.xsl

Therefore I would like to suggest that Debian use the "Xalan"-Binary and call that "xalan" (which also happens to be what I do to :)
rather than using "TestXSLT"

Unfortunately I didn't manage to compile Xalan-C++ Version 1.9, and i
didn't try Version 1.8 so I don't know exactly what's the current state of affairs in the this regard.

Kind regards
Johannes Willkomm

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