The problem in the bug report is still here in current testing, 3.2.1-1:
If I insert an USB bluetooth dongle while the system is running, the
bluetooth icon appears, and the menu shows the activation switch as
"on", but it doesn't work: When I open the settings dialog, bluetooth is
shown to be off, and I can't switch it on. I can't toggle the visibility
switch from off to on, and I can't discover bluetooth gadgets.
Applications using the gnome dialogs don't work either.

On the system level, things seem to work okay, hcitool shows the device
and finds my mobile phone. 

If I shut the device down using hciconfig and up again, the gnome menus
work. If I attach the bluetooth dongle before booting, the menus work
too. If I pull the USB dongle from a working gnome-bluetooth and
reattach it later, it works again flawlessly.

Seems like gnome-bluetooth is confused if a bluetooth adapter just

Michael Below <>

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