I think this bug should be closed as it is not a specific bug. I have
responded to your points but to further discuss improvements in Deluge you
should visit our forum: http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/

* when starting for the first time the new version it will take ages to
> check (and probably recalculate some checksums); any of the torrents will
> not
> be available until this check is done
> A message box or something of that sort would be preferable to announce the
> user that this check is one time thing and, if the user has the time, he
> should
> allow it. Otherwise the computer might be stuck with I/O operation
> rendering it
> unusable for some time, especially if there are many torrents available.

I think this is unavoidable due to incompatible libtorrent versions and too
late to be changed now.

* the new version relies on a client-server model which is disabled if you
> use the "classic mode" (Edit->Preferences->Interface)
> It would be nice if the user is warned of this somehow.

I am not sure what we need to 'warn' the user about. Although I have
discussed with the other devs about changing the wording of 'Classic Mode'
and improving first-time user documentation.

* some features available in the old version are not available in the new
> version (e.g.: graph for traffic and embedded search function)

The Stats Plugin provides graphs for traffic:

If you are talking about searching external sites then this function will
not be included by the Deluge Team.

* some features are available as modules, but there are just a few modules;
> iirc, the enabled/disabled status of the plugins was not "ported" to the
> new
> version

I have no idea what this means. There are numerous 3rd party plugins here:
http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Plugins and the Preferences dialog shows
the status of the Plugins.

* when starting the graphical interface in the new mode, don't use the
> "Start daemon" button, use the "Connect" button. If you start the daemon
> via
> the "Start daemon" button the "Connect" button will become "Disconnect"
> although the client is NOT connected. Using the "Connect" button directly
> solves the problem.

Possibly a bug in 1.2.3 but the latest stable version, Deluge 1.3.3, does
not do this.

* when choosing the place to save a torrent and trying to set that place as
> the default location, deluge will not remember that setting

There are some improvements that are needed for the Add Dialog and this can
be considered for the next major release. The best thing is to create a
ticket on our bug tracker http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/newticket

* closing now (with the daemon option) the app will close just the client,
> but the server/daemon will remain in the background, unless is explicitly
> closed (there is a dedicated menu entry)
I am really unsure that people want this behaviour to be the default one. At
> least a warning on close with some „I also want to stop the daemon” would
> be nice.

Most users who disable classic mode understand the thinclient concept
however I can see the point you are making.

* There is an ugly side panel (on the left side) which, IMHO has no real
> function or use, except filtering in the view the active downloads or
> similar
> things

Then simply hide it.

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