Why can't leechcraft be built with plain qxmpp? Qxmpp is modular by nature so 
any additional managers can be provided in the application. The parts of the 
code you really need merged back to qxmpp are modifications to existing 
classes. I'd be happy to review such changes.


On 04/02/2012 13:19 Boris Pek wrote:


> No way, additional features from this "fork" get merged back once they are 
> mature
> and their API is reviewed. It's not debian's job to subvert OSS projects.

I know you are one of the authors of qxmpp. That explains your reaction to my

But you haven't even tried to understand my arguments.

Debian Policy does not allow embedded copies of libraries:

But leechcraft package can not be build with original qxmpp library now.

I have proposed the logical solution: use the fork code in package until it is
accepted in upstream. After that package could switch back to original library.

There isn't any program in Debian using this library now. Your package is

Currently I intend to add first program which uses this library. And I faced
with few problems which could be resolved quite simply in the proposed way.

If you continue insisting on your point I will have to make another package
(qxmmp-leechcraft for example), because we can't wait for years until upstream
merges necessary patches from the fork.

Best regards,

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