Since I see Wine 1.4 has been released, I would like to get discussion going 
on this topic again.

On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 07:18:22 Stephen Kitt wrote:
> I'm not sure it's worth trying to continue packaging every single version
> at this stage; as I see it the sensible thing to do would be to package
> the various Wine 1.2 releases (I've done the packaging work already, and
> all the releases are similar), then move to version 1.4, which involves:
> * packaging wine-gecko 1.1 (because that's the latest version we can build
>   with the tools currently available in the Debian archives)
> * packaging Wine 1.3.13, 1.3.14 or 1.3.15 (because those are the only
>   versions still using wine-gecko 1.1 while also providing the tools
> required to package later versions of wine-gecko)
> * packaging wine-gecko 1.4 (which also needs some updates to mingw-w64,
> which I'll take care of)
> * packaging Wine 1.4.

I think this is a very good idea. I've managed to get rid of most lintian 
warnings on the 1.1.37 package, but I feel a little bit like I'm wasting my 
time if you've already packaged the 1.2 series.. you also seem to have a much 
better handle than I do on what's required to catch up to upstream.

> Ove had plans to improve the Wine packaging but as far as I know no one
> else but him knows the details.

Ove, please let us know what your plans are to improve packaging.

> I've started work on the two wine-gecko packages, but I probably won't have
> time to do much on them before the end of March. wine-gecko 1.1 doesn't
> need much, it only needs a couple of patches from the 1.0 package to build
> with current mingw-w64 so the main obstacle is the usual licensing review.
> wine-gecko 1.4 is a bit more complicated. I haven't started looking at all
> the changes required for the Wine packages.

What exactly does the licensing review involve? I would be happy to assist!


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