Norbert Preining <> wrote:

> On Fr, 09 Mär 2012, Norbert Preining wrote:
>>     for i in $UCF_FILES ; do
>>       rm -f $i
>>       ucf --purge $i
>>       if test -x "`which ucfr`" ; then
>>         ucfr --purge tex-common $i
>>       fi
>>     done
> Well (with small bugs) that does it, but it is brutal, since it removes
> even if something has changed.
> I have now added some (UNTESTED) code that:
> - checks for md5sum changes and removes only if unchanged, otherwise
>   simply renames it

You can use ucf for that:

ucfq /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf | grep \
'/etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf'| tr -s '[:blank:]' '\t' | cut -f 4

(gives the Yes/No in the "Changed?" column)

Note that there might be ucf-old, ucf-new and ucf-dist files around.

Regards, Frank

P.S. leaving now for a weekend without internet access
Frank Küster
Sprecher B90/Grüne OV Miltenberg und Umgebung
VCD Miltenberg, ADFC Aschaffenburg-Miltenberg
Debian Developer (TeXLive)

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