OoO Pendant le repas du samedi  10 mars 2012, vers 19:11, Patrice DUROUX
<> disait :

> Everything was fine until recent updates in SID where RDP clients (both on
> Windows and Linux) got very slow drawing. Things are not so much better
> when reducing color depth. But I was not able track the update responsible
> for this. Also when using the VNC protocol with depth 24, it is still
> working as well as usual, so I suppose it is not a problem due to Xvnc.
> That's why I suspect trouble with xrdp.

Is it slow on the login screen? The login screen does not make use of VNC.
Vincent Bernat ☯

Keep it simple to make it faster.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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