tags 663584 pending

Looking at the code, this was caused by File::Copy throwing an error -
i.e. I assume that you ran out of space in $TMPDIR, or whereever you
have specified in Edit/Preferences.

The attached patch should at least stop the paste process corrupting
the document.

I agree, however, that this shouldn't prevent you saving - although if
you are short on space, there might not be room to convert files for

Needless to say - I can't reproduce any of this. I suppose I need to
start using something like http://packages.debian.org/sid/libfiu-dev

I guess it would be good if gscan2pdf checked TMPDIR regularly and as
soon as there wasn't room for more than another, say, 2 of the largest
pages, then it should display an warning message.

Would this need to be optional? Is a regular df much of a performance hit?
commit 2d27d02cad0242906a4f57297c0644d43ef2dd17
Author: Jeffrey Ratcliffe <jeffrey.ratcli...@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 13 08:15:20 2012 +0100

    Don't continue pasting and corrupt the document if the file cannot be copied

diff --git a/bin/gscan2pdf b/bin/gscan2pdf
index 3b808e7..3a44110 100755
--- a/bin/gscan2pdf
+++ b/bin/gscan2pdf
@@ -6174,27 +6174,34 @@ sub copy_selection {
 # Paste the selection
 sub paste_selection {
+ # We only add pages if the list of thumbnails has the focus
  if ( $slist->has_focus ) {
   my @page = $slist->get_selected_indices;
-  # Create a new image file
+  # Create a new image file for each page in the clipboard
   for (@clipboard) {
    my $suffix;
    $suffix = $1 if ( $_->[2] =~ /(\.\w*)$/ );
    my $new = File::Temp->new( DIR => $session, SUFFIX => $suffix );
-   copy( $_->[2], $new )
-     or show_message_dialog( $window, 'error', 'close',
-    $d->get('Error pasting image') );
+   unless ( copy( $_->[2], $new ) ) {
+    show_message_dialog( $window, 'error', 'close',
+     $d->get('Error pasting image') );
+    return;
+   }
    $_->[2] = $new;
   # Block the row-changed signal whilst adding the scan (row) and sorting it.
   $slist->get_model->signal_handler_block( $slist->{row_changed_signal} );
+  # If a page is selected, then insert the pasted page immediately afterwards
   if (@page) {
    splice @{ $slist->{data} }, $page[0] + 1, 0, @clipboard;
    @page = ( $page[0] + 1 );
+  # Otherwise append the page to the end
   else {
    push @{ $slist->{data} }, @clipboard;
    @page = ( $#{ $slist->{data} } - $#clipboard );

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