On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 10:49:47PM +1000, Andrew Bartlett scribbled:
> > > and add it to the already too many patches in Samba for debian.  Then
> > > work with jra and jerry on making this upstream, if it can be done
> > > portably.  I can't imagine building the other utilities will be a big
> > > pain.  The tricky bit might be deciding to use the separate makefile or
> > > the main build system.
> > I think the best idea would be to just create a Makefile.libtdb by hand and
> > slam it in the source/tdb/ directory
> This is exactly what already exists, I'm suggesting just patching the
> extra in.
You missed my point :) - I suggest adding another Makefile in the
source/tdb/ dir and not touching the original one - that way, the changes
stay clear of the upstream samba code == less ado with maintaining that
patch should the original Makefile change. After all, it's a Debian-specific
thing we're talking about :) (especially that, as we say below, the core
samba should not link against the shared tdb library - the more reason not
to touch the upstream source/tdb/ Makefile IMO)

> >  then call it separately to the main
> > samba build process. That makefile would use libtool (although I don't
> > really think it is necessary to use libtool here, since we're targetting
> > platforms where gcc -shared works just fine) to create a shared version of 
> > the tdb library and to recompile/relink the utility programs against that
> > library.
> I would personally leave them static, but anyway.  Also, I would keep
I agree

> clear of libtool, due the general feeling against libtool upstream :-)
/me is totally against libtool (and autotools in general :P) as well, and
gcc -shared works really well where we need it to work.

> > The question is whether to make samba link the daemons against the shared
> > library or leave them as they are (tdb is linked into the executables
> > statically, along with other code). I would vote on leaving the daemons as
> > they are as that would minimize the set of required changes to the build
> > process. 
> I strongly oppose building Samba against a libtdb .so, simply because
> this is a very core building block, and I would not wish any changes to
> samba itself.
I agree with you. So, Steve, your take on that?

best regards,


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