Em Qui, 2005-01-13 Ãs 16:57 +0000, ROBERTOJIMENOCA escreveu:
> I'm using latest unstable 2005-01-13
> with gtk+ and glib 2.6.1-1 and python_2.3.4-5 and python-gtk2_2.4.1-2


GTK+/Glib 2.6.x are not yet on unstable, and maybe the problem is
related to them, as I can't reproduce the problem with 2.4.14, which is
in unstable so I don't see this it as grave yet.

Did you get the 2.6.x packages from experimental?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Gustavo Noronha <http://beterraba.no-ip.org/~kov/>
 Debian: <http://www.debian.org/>  *  <http://www.debian-br.org/>

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