merge 289715 284096
tags 289715 + moreinfo unreproducible

On Monday 10 Jan 2005 18:07, Eric Valette wrote:
> Well done guys. Could you backup your erroneous patches once again...

I'm afraid that backing up will only delay things since these changes are 
backported from 2.0 so any bugs are likely to show up again then.

> <>

Looking at the stack trace, this is the same crash as reported in 289715 so 
I'm merging the bug.  Looking at the code, OOo is dealing with font lists 
which are likely to be different on your machine to mine, which may be why I 
can't reproduce this here.  Please can you do the same as I asked the 
submitter of #284096 to do:
Please download this file:

It is a version of the library that crashes with debugging symbols included.  
bunzip the file and copy into /usr/lib/openoffice/program, replacing the file 
that is there from the package.

Then, reproduce the crash.  When the crash dialog comes up, do not click it 
away but instead execute this from the command line (make sure you have gdb 

echo thread apply all bt > gdb.script
gdb -p $(pgrep -u $USER soffice.bin| head -1) < gdb.script | tee oo.log 

Please send oo.log to the bug report.

Thanks for your help

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