Package: audacious
Version: 1.3.2-4
Severity: serious


this is my first try with audacious and I noticed that it causes a high load.

(at playing a song)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ps aux|grep audacious
me        2805  5.6  1.4  65288 15192 ?        SLl  08:08   0:23 audacious

(audacious does nothing)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ps aux|grep audacious
me        2805  3.1  1.3  64576 14408 ?        Sl   08:08   0:25 audacious

If I put more and more songs into my playlist the cpu use grows and grows permamently. A friend is using the 1.2.x version and he tried version 1.3.2, too and with this version he has got the same cpu usage like I.

   Patrick Matthäi

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