On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 02:46:52AM -0400, Greg Folkert wrote:
> In all the directories that fc-cache failed with errors like:
> /usr/share/fonts: failed to write cache
> /usr/share/fonts/X11: failed to write cache
> /usr/share/fonts/type1: failed to write cache
> /usr/local/share/fonts: failed to write cache
> I went to each directory and ran (as root)
> mkfontdir ; mkfontscale
> Only when both were run in each of the problematic directories, did the
> problem go away, which doesn't explain why its happening.

I wonder if this process is just missing from some package? As I
reported back to this bug, At some point the error just went away from
my aptitude stuff. So I must have inadvertantly installed some other
package that fixed it up. Not much help I know, but I'm willing to
send my aptitude log is anyoen wants it.


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