tags 446500 + moreinfo unreproducible

OoO En ce doux début de matinée du dimanche 14 octobre 2007, vers 08:55,
je disais:

> I did test  for each database with dbconfig-common  1.8.33. So I suppose
> that we can depend on this version. However, I have two Etch boxes where
> roundcube works  without any problem but  I use sqlite. I  will try with
> Mysql, but  if you  can provide some  logs of your  failed installation,
> this will help us quite a bit.

I just installed roundcube with MySQL on a fresh install of Etch and did
not succeed to  reproduce the bug. I did not  use any backports. Please,
provide more info. For example, do you use bash or dash as sh?

BOFH excuse #355:
Boredom in the Kernel.

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