Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> On 11/05/07 at 11:02 -0400, Jeremy T. Bouse wrote:
>>      I do not agree with the removal and find the suggestion of it a slap in
>> the face for the time spent trying to work with upstream to get the
>> licensing issues that would allow the fix to be done.
> Hi Jeremy,
> The bugs about thoose license issues have been quiet for a very long
> time (since November 2005). If the situation has evolved, and you expect
> a change soon, it could be a good idea to document that in the bug logs.
> Thank you,
    At this point I'm abandoning all hope that upstream will make any
effort to correct the issue. There appears to be no interest in
upstreams part to even respond and continually just passes it off as not
their problem. Consider any PHP Licensed PEAR module package currently
with a bug due to licensing abandoned and ideal candidate for complete
removal from the distribution unless someone with more free time on
their hands cares to adopt them.

    I've tried to get responses from upstream but the attempts were
useless and a waste of my time.

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