On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 02:40:20AM +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> > (I'm a new maintainer doing RC bug squashing; Michael Koch, Cc'd, is my AM.)
> > 
> > I attach a proposed NMU interdiff for this bug, and for a FTBFS with recent
> > dpkg-shlibdeps which I discovered while fixing it. I haven't built the
> > patched packages cleanly yet - I've built and tested them successfully
> > using incremental builds with -nc, but I'm still waiting for a clean build
> > to finish - so it's possible that my patch isn't quite right, but it should
> > at least be close.
> The patch attached to my previous mail does indeed seem to be OK in a clean
> build. Source and binaries, as I'd upload them if I was a DD, can be found
> here:
> http://people.alioth.debian.org/~smcv-guest/gnash-0.81~rc070818-2.1-rfs1/

Wow, that really takes time to build. Even on my quadcore system...I
will upload tomorrow morning.


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