Paul J Stevens wrote:

>Dbmail-1.2 contains a possibility for sql-injection, and I'm not going to fix
>it. Nor is any of the other developers involved in dbmail. As such it doesn't
>belong in a stable release.
>Still, I don't want to create unnecessary hassles for the existing dbmail
>userbase by confronting them with an incompatible upgrade while doing a
>dist-upgrade. Moving from 1.2 to 2.0 is not a trivial matter that requires
>careful attention and verification.

Yes, but that is what version numbers, changelogs and NEWS are for. This
is especially true when you are not going to maintain dbmail-1.2 and 2.0
at the same time. All this does it clutter the archive and confuses the

If I was in your place, I would package dbmail 2.0 as dbmail package and
just put a big warning in the changelog or even the NEWS file. If
someone doesn't want to upgrade, then they will just put the package on
hold. Right now I see dbmail only in unstable, so you should not worry
too much about users not knowing what they do :)

I'm sorry, but making dbmail2, and removing dbmail just because some
stuff changed doesn't make sense unless dbmail2 *and* dbmail were in the
archive at the same time.

- Adam

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