Ok, my fault not to build it in a clean environment.

If build in pbuilder, it compiles ok.

But, if it detects some other development libraries, it will fail.

In other words, in pbuilder, the configure options are:

* Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Configuration Results Summary
* Library Release Version:                              0.5.0
* Code options:
*         Building CEGUI in debug mode:                 no
* Renderer Modules:
*         Building OpenGL Renderer:                     no
*         Building Irrlict Renderer:                    no
* XML Parser Modules:
*         Building TinyXMLParser:                       yes
*         Building ExpatParser:                         no
*         Building LibXMLParser:                        no
*         Building XercesParser:                        yes
*         Default XML Parser is:                        XercesParser
* Scripting:
*         Building Lua scripting module:                no
*         Building tolua++cegui generator:              no
* Samples Framework:
*         Building Samples:                             no
*         GTK2 based dialog for renderer selection:     no
*         OpenGL Renderer available in samples:         no
*         Irrlict Renderer available in samples:        no
*         Ogre3D Renderer available in samples:         no

But in my system, where I have some other libraries, the build process
detects them, with the following summary, and in that case, it will

* Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Configuration Results Summary
* Library Release Version:                              0.5.0
* Code options:
*         Building CEGUI in debug mode:                 no
* Renderer Modules:
*         Building OpenGL Renderer:                     yes
*         Building Irrlict Renderer:                    no
* Image Loading Codec Modules (currently for OpenGL Renderer only):
*         Building Corona Image Codec:                  no
*         Building DevIL Image Codec:                   yes
*         Building FreeImage Image Codec:               yes
*         Building SILLY Image Codec:                   no
*         Building TGA Image Codec:                     yes
*         Default Image Codec will be:                  DevILImageCodec
* XML Parser Modules:
*         Building TinyXMLParser:                       yes
*         Building ExpatParser:                         yes
*         Building LibXMLParser:                        no
*         Building XercesParser:                        yes
*         Default XML Parser is:                        XercesParser
* Scripting:
*         Building Lua scripting module:                no
*         Building tolua++cegui generator:              no
* Samples Framework:
*         Building Samples:                             yes
*         GTK2 based dialog for renderer selection:     no
*         OpenGL Renderer available in samples:         no
*         Irrlict Renderer available in samples:        no
*         Ogre3D Renderer available in samples:         yes

The explanation of the failure is as expressed in my fist message of
this bug.

So, I believe it is still a bug, but not so serious as my first


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